Preparing for the lecture
- Test your presentation on a PC running PowerPoint. Camtasia will only run on a PC. If you usually use a Mac it's sensible to test on a PC before the lecture as presentations can look different on a Mac.
- It will help the students if you give the slides meaningful names.
Starting the lecture
- Check the radio mic it is switched on
- Put on the radio mic
- Open your PowerPoint presentation
- Click the "Record" button in the toolbar. The first slide of your presentation will appear, with a box in the corner allowing you to check the computer is picking up your microphone.
- Say a few words into the mic and adjust the recording volume if you need to. The audio levels should go into the green, possibly into the yellow but not into the red.
- Click the "Click to begin recording" button
In the Camtasia PowerPoint toolbar, there are a number of icons:
- Record (red dot icon): begin the presentation
- Record audio (microphone icon): on/off
- Record camera (webcam icon): on/off
- Show camera preview (webcam and screen icon): on/off
- Camtasia options (hand pointing to list icon): includes set whether to record mouse cursor, which input to record audio from, test microphone levels.
Audio problems?
If the audio doesn't seem to be working, check that:
- mic and receiver are both switched on
- receiver is plugged into a microphone socket on the computer
- in the toolbar, "Record Audio" is selected
- under "Camtasia options", there's an advanced audio settings button - this will allow you to check that Camtasia is trying to pick up the audio from the right place. For example, it could be trying to record the speakers rather than the microphone. Or there may be more than one place ("jack") that the microphone could be plugged into, and it may be recording from the wrong one.
After the lecture
- A prompt will appear at the end of your lecture. Click "stop recording".
- You'll then be asked where you want to save the file. Click on "My Compuer", then select "C:" and the folder called "UNIV10001". You should find a folder with your name - save the file in there. It doesn't matter what the file name is, but don't overwrite existing files.
- Remove the radio mic and switch it off.